The Soul of Music:

                                                                                                                                            A Tribute to Chico António


On the 29th and 30th of October, Centro Cultural Franco Moçambicano, hosted a tremendous show allusive to Chico Antonio’s tribute, entitled: “A Alma da Musica: Um tributo à Chico António (The Soul of Music: A Tribute to Chico Antonio)

Chico António


“The Soul of Music: A Tribute to Chico António” was a show that used the work and life of Chico António to illustrate the social, educational and interventional role of the arts. It was a show with a musical script completely filled with compositions by the artist.

                                                                                                                                                                                   The Show

The show was performed by the emblematic Mozambican cultural group TP50.

(Some of TP50 Music Band memebers)

I watched the show on the 30th of October and when it was 5:30 pm, I was already there. I couldn’t bear the wait any longer. A lot of anxiety and a lot of anticipation.

When it was exactly 6:30 pm, a bell, much like anyone at a nearby high school, rang loudly, signaling the call for the public to enter the auditorium. The CCFM auditorium has a capacity to accommodate more than a hundredth of people, and because the show in question was special, the house was almost full.

The event started with presentations by two different speakers. The first speaker was very brief, limited to greeting and welcoming us. The second speaker, who would later return to the stage multiple times, delighted us with a brief summary of the life and works of Chico Antonio, recited poetically and eloquently.

Second speaker and Poet of the night.

Next, we were amazed by spectacular performances of Chico António’s different hit titles, interpreted by different members of Band TP50. These performances were interspersed in an organized and brilliant way, with poetry recitations, both live on stage and in the form of video on screen, several videos by António Chico himself talking about his career path and photography on screen.

With each theme played, the audience vibrated with emotion, dancing and singing with the band. It was a mixed audience, made up of foreigners (expatriates and tourists) and local citizens. Among the various cultural operators and music makers present at the show, I did spot Stewart Sukuma and his family, as well as Eunice Andrade.

It was amazing! The event took place in a safe environment, with the venue following all the preventive measures (all participants wore face masks and had to disinfect their hands right at the auditorium’s entrance), and for those who like to enjoy a great show like this in the company of good refreshments, the Bar is open to the public.

One of the night’s performance

One of the night’s performance

One of the night’s performance

Stewart Sukuma (A Mozambican Music Legend)

Manuel and Eunuice Andrade (A show bizz entertainer and Media operator)

Manuel and two tourists



Who is Chico António?

Chico António is a legend of Mozambican Music, with tours in countries like England, Holland, Italy, France, Portugal, Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Zimbabwe, Guinea Conakry, Cape Verde among others.

Singing and enchanting hearts, Chico António is considered one of the pioneers of Mozambican Light Music.

His artistic ability to compose themes that portray social life in Mozambique, with the aim of not only entertaining but mainly awareness and social education, mixed with his charismatic and unique personality, made this star an inescapable reference to Mozambican music.

As a way to pay homage and thanks for his profound contribution to Mozambican music and culture, the band TP50, had the honor to render a great and deserved tribute to this incredible legend.

The End

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