What makes Núcleo De Arte such a special art and cultural reference in Maputo?

What is Núcleo De Arte?

Núcleo De Arte is a long-standing artists cooperative that has frequent exhibitions featuring the works of up-and-coming artists. It is a collective entity of non-profit cultural character.

What makes Núcleo De Arte such a special art and cultural reference in Maputo?

Well, apart from the beautiful and mesmerizing artwork on display almost every day, it is its robust history, the different kinds of activities that take place there, the people, experiences exchanged and memories made day after day. Núcleo De Arte is a compelling meeting point for people of different places and cultures where art, education and entertainment walk hands on hands.

Built in 1921, Núcleo De Arte is proud of having given birth to some of Mozambican finest artists. Icons such as the sculptors Chissano, Naftal, Macamo and painters such as Malangatana and Noel.

Malangata (1936-2011)

Naftal (1932-2014)

Noel Langa (1938-2019)

The gallery opens every day except national holidays. There, you can choose to start either by visiting the gallery, where different kinds of artwork will blow you your emotions away. From paintings, sculptures, pottery, recycled-material art, capulana art, and more. Each and every piece of work telling unique stories. Stories of struggle, of poverty and hope, stories of a people, its history and its beauty.

Temporary exhibitions ( Núcleo De Arte)

Or you can choose to go pass the gallery and instead start by visiting the artists’ workshops. While there, you can get to talk to the artists, get to know them and get to about their works or you can watch them work. Nothing better to close your afternoon than a delicious lunch at Núcleo De Arte’s café under a natural mango tree breeze with a beautiful mix of background music.

Workshop (Núcleo De Arte)

Artists working in the workshop (Núcleo De Arte)

In order to amplify the platforms through which people from different cultures and countries would have a chance to broaden and deepen and their socio-cultural interactions, Núcleo De Arte created LIVE MUSIC EVENTS AND DIALOGOARTE (ART DIALOGUE)

Live music shows take place every Sunday. They showcase the talent of young and up-and-coming musicians as well as acclaimed musicians. Each Sunday night, Núcleo De Arte delights mixed crowds of culture and music lovers, entertaining people with responsibility and safety.

Núcleo De Arte Live Concert

Maputo expats and tourists dancing enjoying themselves at Núcleo’s live music show

DIALOGOARTE OR SIMPLY ART DIALOGUE was created in 2017 by the new current president of Núcleo, Mr. André Manuel Macie who has been presiding the house since 2016. DIALGOARTE is a weekly debate involving representatives of Ministry of Culture and Tourism, Núcleo De Arte’s management board, Núcleo De Arte’s members (artists and non-artists), members of the academic community and ordinary civilians. In these hot but very pragmatic and prolific debates, several topics have been discussed such as:

  • How can Mozambican artists make a living out of art?
  • Art is not a priority in the government’s agenda. Why are artists devalued?
  • Young artists lack exhibition opportunities. How to create strategies that will generate exhibition opportunities for young artists and not all.
  • How to get funds to sponsor talented Mozambican artists to participate in international Art Exposition events.
  • Art techniques. Which ones are better and which are not? Etc.

One of Dialogoarte session at Núcleo De Arte

Can anyone exhibit at Núcleo De Arte?

Well, artists who are members at Núcleo have direct access to exhibiting. Of course following a certain schedule to make sure that everyone has their turns. Non-members artists who wish to do so, can make it through reaching out to the management and together reach some agreements and “good to go!” Most of the artwork exhibitions are temporary and for sale.

Mozambican artist Mahumana during his exhibition in 2019 (Núclceo De Arte)

Núcleo De Arte during Covid-19 Pandemic.

On August 15th, I had a meeting with the president of Núcleo, Mr. André Manuel Macie.  Among other things, I wanted to find out from the man in charge of the house how Núcleo has been dealing with the pandemic, if they are open and whether they have been following the safety measures recommended by health authorities and this is what he said:

Well, Núcleo is non-profit association and therefore it depends considerably on its sponsors and partners to keep the house and the activities running. Now, with the insurgence of the pandemic all these parts have been hit severely economic wise, weakening their support capacity. Consequently, this has originated all sorts of financial difficulties and deficiencies in resourcefulness.” Lamented the president who added.

“Yes we are open. But for now, due to the state of emergency, we open from 8am to 5pm. In normal days we close at 8pm. Of course all safety measurements are being strictly followed, from masks, thermometer checks done to everyone and wash stations made available almost in every corner of the house.” The president went further explaining me about their constant coordination and cooperation with the Ministry of Culture and Tourism for the fight against Covid-19.

“The Ministry of Culture and Tourism recognizes how influential this house is and therefore we work day and night together, discussing different plans and strategies for keeping the activities going on while at the same time everyone is safe and happy” Concluded the president.

Vice-Minister of Culture and Tourism Mr. Fredson Bacar’s visit to Núcleo (August 7,2020)

André Macie- Núcleo’s president (left) with Manuel Cossa-Mozambican Adventures (Right)

All in all, although with the LIVE MUSIC element away from Núcleo for the being due to the pandemic, it is open. They have been exhibiting, crafting, debating and the café is open. What are you waiting for? Go on and have some good time!

Contact Info:

Address: RUA DA ARGELIA 194 25821

Cell: (+258) 82 108 2018

Email: nucleodarte@gmail.com

Open from: 8am-5pm (everyday except national holidays)

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